Saturday, March 14, 2009

God's Knot

Have you ever heard of God's Knot? Well...I have to admit I had not until my former clients chose to have a God's Knot ceremony in their wedding last month rather than lighting of the Unity Candle. Being the inquisitive person that I am, I googled "God's Knot" to find out more about it. The ceremony consists of the bride and groom braiding the three strands. In doing so, the couple demonstrates they have chosen to allow God to be the center of their marriage and they (God, the bride and the groom) are woven together as one.
The Gold Strand - represents God at the center of the marriage
The Purple Strand - represents the Groom
The White Strand - represents the Bride
Pictured above are my former clients tying God's Knot during rehearsal
Source: God's Knot
Peace and Blessings,

1 comment:

  1. If you like God's Knot, then you have to check out the Marriage Braid @



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